Bellmore, A., Resnik, F., Olson, C., Calvin, A., & Brummer, M. (2019). Trolls/Trolling. In Hobbs & Mihailidis. (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy
Bellmore, A., Rischall, E. & Resnik, F. (2018). Cool youth. In R. J. Levesque. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Adolescence. (2nd Edition). New York, New York: Springer.
Nishina, A., & Bellmore, A. (2018). Inequality and neighborhood effects on peer relationships. In W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), 2nd ed.; handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups (2nd ed.) (2nd ed. ed., pp. 510-532, Chapter xx, 748 Pages) Guilford Press, New York, NY.
Bouchey, H. & Bellmore, A. (2013). Peers and academic adjustment in urban environments. In G. Creasey & P. Jarvis (Eds.) Adolescent Development and School Achievement in Urban Communities: Resilience in the Neighborhood. New York, New York: Routledge.
Bellmore, A., & Rischall, E. (2011). Cool youth. In R. J. Levesque. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Adolescence. (pp. 548-553). New York, New York: Springer.
Bellmore, A., Nishina, A. & Graham, S. (2011). Peer popularity in the context of ethnicity. In A. H. N. Cillessen, D. Schwartz, & L. Mayeux (Eds). Popularity in the Peer System. (pp. 193-215). New York, NY: Guilford.
Cillessen, A. H. N., & Bellmore, A. (2011) Social skills and social competence in interactions with peers. In P. K. Smith & C. H. Hart (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood social development (Second Edition). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bellmore, A., & Graham, S. (2009). Disseminating scholarship to diverse audiences. In L. M. Dinella (Ed.). Conducting science-based psychology research in schools. Washington, D.C.: APA Books
Cillessen, A. H. N., & Bellmore, A. D. (2002). Social skills and interpersonal perception in Early and middle childhood. In P. K. Smith & C. H. (Eds.), Handbook of childhood social development (pp. 355-375). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Book Reviews
Nishina, A. & Bellmore, A.D. (2006). The meaning of peer victimization in the United States. Invited essay review for the Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38, 591-607.
Bellmore, A., & Nishina, A. (2005). Review: Adolescent Boys: Exploring Diverse Cultures of Boyhood. Edited by Niobe Way and Judy Chu. Invited book review for Interactions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies. Volume 1, Issue 2, Article 14.
Huang, H.C. & Bellmore, A (in press). Under what conditions do US and Taiwanese late adolescents feel victimized by their peers? Asian Journal of Social Psychology
Bowser, J., Bellmore, A., Larson, J., (in press). Use and Impact of the Wisconsin Bullying Prevention Program Assessment Tool in Addressing Middle School Bullying. International Journal of Bullying Prevention
Modecki, K.L., Goldberg, RE., Ehrenreich S.E., Russell, M, & Bellmore, A. (in press). The practicalities and perils of ambulatory assessment’s promise: Introduction to a special section. Journal of Research on Adolescence
Nishina, A., Lewis, J.A., Bellmore, A., & Witkow, M. (in press). Ethnic diversity and inclusive school environments. Educational Psychologist
Resnik, F., & Bellmore, A. (2019). Connecting Online and Offline Social Skills to Adolescents’ Peer Victimization and Psychological Adjustment Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 386-398.
Sarmiento, I.G, Olson, C., Yeo, G., Chen, Y.A., Toma, C.L., Brown, B. B., Bellmore, A., Mares, M.L. (2019). How Does Social Media Use Relate to Adolescents’ Internalizing Symptoms?: Conclusions from a Systematic Narrative Review, Adolescent Research Review
Bowser, J., Larson, J., Bellmore, A. Olson, C. & Resnik, F. (2018). Bullying Victimization Type and Feeling Unsafe in Middle School, Journal of School Nursing
Lewis, J., Nishina, A., Ramirez Hall, A., Cain, S., Bellmore, A., & Witkow, M. (2018). Early adolescents’ peer experiences with ethnic diversity in middle school: Implications for academic outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 194-206. DOI:10.1007/s10964-017-0697-1
Nishina, A., Bellmore, A., Witkow, M., Nylund-Gibson, K., & Graham, S. (2018). Who am I and who(m) do they think I am? High school ethnic identification and the peer context. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 51-63 DOI:10.1007/s10964-017-0726-0
Resnik, F., Bellmore, A., Xu, J., & Zhu, X. (2016). Celebrities emerge as advocates in tweets about bullying. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2, 323-334.
Bellmore, A. (2016). Whose responsibility is it to stop bullying? Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 92-97. doi: 10.1177/2372732215624218
Bellmore, A., Huang, H.-C., Bowman, C., White, G.J., & Reid, G. (2016). The Trouble with Bullying in High School: Issues and Considerations in its Conceptualization. Adolescent Research Review, 1, 1-12.
Ma, T., & Bellmore, A. (2016). Early adolescents’ responses upon witnessing peer victimization: A cross-culture comparison between students in Taiwan and the United States. International Journal of Developmental Science, 10, 33-42.
Ma, T.L., & Bellmore, A. (2016) Connection or independence: Cross-cultural comparisons ofadolescents’ coping with peer victimization using mixed-methods. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(1), 109-130. doi:10.1177/0022022115605386
Sutter, C., Nishina, A., Witkow, M. R., & Bellmore, A. (2016). Associations between adolescents’ weight and psychosocial maladjustment differ based on deviation from weight norms in social contexts. Journal of School Health, 86, 638-644.
Bower, A. R., Nishina, A., Witkow, M. R., & Bellmore, A. (2015). Nice guys and gals finish last? Not in early adolescence when empathetic, accepted, and popular peers are desirable. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(12), 2275-2288. doi:10.1007/s10964-015-0346-5
Bauman, S. & Bellmore, A. (2015). New directions in cyberbullying research. Journal of School Violence, 14, 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2014.968281
Bellmore, A., Calvin, A., Xu, J., & Zhu, X. (2015). The 5 W’s of “Bullying” on Twitter: Who, What, Why, Where, When. Computers in Human Behavior, 44, 305-314. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.11.052
Calvin, A.J., Bellmore, A., Xu, J.M., & Zhu, X. (2015). #bully: The uses of hashtags in posts about bullying on Twitter. Journal of School Violence, 14, 133-153. DOI:10.1080/15388220.2014.966828
You, J. & Bellmore, A. (2014). College students’ behavioral reactions upon witnessing relational peer aggression. Aggressive Behavior. 40, 397-408. DOI:10.1002/ab.21542
Lovegrove, P., Bellmore, A., Green, J. G., Jens, K., & Ostrov, J. (2013). My voice is not going to be silent”: What can parents do about children’s bullying. Journal of School Violence,12, 253-267. DOI:10.1080/15388220.2013.792270
Bellmore, A., & Chen, W., & Rischall, E. (2013). The reasons behind early adolescents’ responses to peer victimization. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 275-284.
Bellmore, A., Ma, T., You, J., & Hughes, M. (2012). A two-method investigation of sixth graders’ responses upon witnessing peer victimization at school. Journal of Adolescence, 35,1265-1276.
You, J. & Bellmore, A. (2012). Relational victimization and psychosocial adjustment: The mediating role of best friend qualities. Personal Relationships, 19, 340-353. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2011.01365.x
Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., You, J., & Ma, T. (2012). School context protective factors against peer ethnic discrimination across the high school years. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 98-111.
Ma, T., & Bellmore, A. (2012). Peer victimization and perceived parental control in adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 413-424.
Bellmore, A. (2011). Peer rejection and unpopularity: Predicting GPAs across the transition to middle school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 282-29.
Bellmore, A., Villarreal, V., & Ho, A. (2011). Staying cool across the first year of middle school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40, 776-785.
Bellmore, A., Jiang, X. L., & Juvonen, J. (2010). Utilizing peer nominations in middle school: A longitudinal comparison between complete classroom list and random list methods. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 538-550.
Nishina, A. & Bellmore, A. (2010). When might aggression, victimization, and conflict have its largest impact? Micro-contextual considerations. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 5-26.
Nishina, A., Bellmore, A., Witkow, M. R., & Nylund-Gibson, K. (2010). Longitudinal consistency of adolescent ethnic identification across varying school contexts. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1389-1401.
Graham, S., Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., & Juvonen, J. (2009). “It must be me”: Ethnic diversity and attributions for peer victimization. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 38, 487-499.
Bellmore, A., & Tomonaga, A. (2008, November 10). When kids use ethnicity and gender to bully. In S. Hymel, S. Swearer & P. Gillette (Eds.), Bullying at School and Online, a special invited issue of Retrieved December 1, 2008.
Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., & Witkow, M. R., Graham, S., Juvonen, J. (2007). The influence of classroom ethnic composition on same- and other-ethnicity peer nominations in middle school. Social Development, 16 720-740.
Graham, S., & Bellmore, A. D. (2007). Peer victimization and mental health during early adolescence. Theory into Practice, 46, 138-146.
Mayeux, L., Bellmore, A., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2007). The effect of repeated measures of sociometric status on the prediction of later social adjustment. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 68, 401-424.
Nylund, K. L., Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., & Graham, S. (2007). Subtypes, severity, and structural stability of peer victimization: What does latent class analysis say? Child Development,78, 1706-1722.
Bellmore, A. D., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2006). Reciprocal influences between victimization, perceived social preference, and self concept in adolescence. Self and Identity, 5, 209- 229.
Graham, S., Bellmore, A. D., & Mize, J. (2006). Peer victimization, aggression, and their cooccurrence in middle school: Pathways to adjustment problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 34, 363-378.
Nishina, A., Ammon, N. Y., Bellmore, A. D., & Graham, S. (2006). Body dissatisfaction and physical development among ethnic minority adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 35, 189-201.
Bellmore, A. D., Witkow, M. R., Graham, S., & Juvonen, J. (2005). From beliefs to behavior: The mediating role of hostile response selection in predicting aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 31, 453-472.
Witkow, M. R., Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., Juvonen, J. & Graham, S. (2005). Mutual antipathies during early adolescence: More than just rejection. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29, 209-218.
Bellmore, A. D., Witkow, M. R., Graham, S., & Juvonen, J. (2004). Beyond the individual: The impact of ethnic context and classroom behavioral norms on victims’ adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 40, 1159-1172.
Bellmore, A. D., & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2003) Children’s meta-perceptions and metaaccuracy
of acceptance and rejection by same-sex and other-sex peers. Personal Relationships, 10, 217-234.
Graham, S., Bellmore, A. D., & Juvonen, J. (2003). Peer victimization in middle school: When self- and peer views diverge. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 19, 117-137.
[Co-published simultaneously in M. J. Elias & J. E. Zins (Eds.) Bullying, peer harassment, and victimization in the schools: The next generation of prevention, The Haworth Press, 2003]
[Re-published in J. E. Zins, M. J. Elias, & C. A. Maher (Eds). Bullying, victimization, and peer
harassment: A handbook of prevention and intervention., The Haworth Press, 2007]
Cillessen, A. H. N. & Bellmore, A. D. (1999). Accuracy of social self-perceptions and peer
competence in middle childhood. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 45, 650-676.
Journal of Early Adolescence Special Issue: Understanding Peer Aggression, Conflict, and Victimization (published 2010). Guest edited with Adrienne Nishina.
Journal of School Violence: New Directions in Cyberbullying Research. Guest edited with Sheri Bauman. (published 2015).
Journal of Research on Adolescence: “Promises, Perils, and Practicalities of Ambulatory Assessment for Capturing Adolescent Development” Guest edited with Kathryn Modecki, Michael Russell, Rachel Goldberg, Samuel Ehrenreich (to be published 2019)
Peer ReviewED Computer Science Conference Papers
Xu, J., Huang, H., Bellmore, A., & Zhu, X. (2014). School Bullying in Twitter and Weibo: A Comparative Study. Presented at the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).
Xu, J., Burchfield, B., Zhu, A., & Bellmore, A. (2013). An Examination of Regret in Bullying Tweets. Paper presented at The 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Atlanta, GA.
Xu, J., Kwang-Sun, J, Zhu, X., & Bellmore, A. (2012). Learning from Bullying Traces in Social Media. Paper presented at The 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Montreal, QC. Canada.
Xu, J., Zhu, X., & Bellmore, A (2012). Fast learning for sentiment analysis on bullying. In ACM KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM).